Friday, May 21, 2010

The Reign of Terror Is Ended

I have located the talking toy. It is a tiny veterinary establishment, complete with x-ray machine and examining table. When you touch the x-ray viewing module, it says in a British accent, "There, aren't you feeling better now?"

I think the cat was getting an x-ray. It was either that or some kind of haunting.

I have disabled the toy by removing its power source. Be silent, cheerful British woman!


  1. Well, I'm looking for a haunted dollhouse book! Never thought about it being set in a veterinary clinic. Did the voice sound like James Herriot?

  2. More like Diana Rigg. And the batteries were going, so she sounded a little drunk, because the words were getting stretched.

  3. We had this with Chef Tony from a play kitchen. The phone would ring @ 3 am each night - you'd pick it up and he'd say "That's a spicy meatball!" - then I found out a guy named Tony died in this house- he cam from the old cpountry and built this house in '29. (kidding) -faulty wiring!
