Did you know that most people gain weight when they get chemotherapy? I know, all the movies say that you get thin, pale and drawn, but it's a lie. What really happens is that you get puffy and fat. Totally true. Stinks, doesn't it?
Ok, not always true. One patient I know had a horrible time and was so very very sick that she actually lost a lot of weight. She looked fabulous, but it was a heck of a way to go.
So I'm not that girl. I manage to get rid of the sick feeling with crackers - lots and lots of crackers - or maybe a little ice cream or a candy bar. Soup is good - but only if I eat it until I feel full so there isn't any room to feel sick. Pot roast or a little chicken work. So does dry toast and buttered toast. Lots of it. You get the picture.
I look at my bulbous belly with a mix of fascination and horror. I don't think I've ever put on weight so quickly - even when I was pregnant with twins. It is pretty remarkable what the body can do. My own chemical cocktail led me to put on five pounds in just one night recently. It was a crazy mix of fluid and who knows what else, but it completely changed my face.
So I am hoping, actually praying, that all this crazy chemo weight will fall off my body as quickly as it climbed on. After all, I won't need the crackers in a couple of weeks. I might still want a candy bar or two, but I'm betting I'll get my will power back. And hopefully a single chin.
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