Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Something New

So I have this cancer thing going on, and I have to say it is pretty much the pits. I'm trying very hard to make lemonade, but some days are very trying.

Earlier this summer, I kept having the thought that I never get sick, that this is so out of the ordinary for me. And then this very wise woman said to me that we repeat and repeat and repeat our life experiences, and then, if we finally get it right, the goddess gives us something new. I'm more into God than the goddess - to each her own - but this thought totally resonated with me. Something new. That's what is happening to me - something brand new. And so I have been trying to keep that in mind as I go through each new experience.

I am someone who loves routine. I am not a person who asks for help easily. If I need help, and I am wildly self-sufficient, I have maybe two people that I will turn to. These last few months I have been completely overwhelmed. Besides the fish and dogs, (the cat ran off when she saw things were going downhill) I have these three gorgeous children to take care of. I decided it was time for something new.

Friends I know wanted to organize meals for our house. Normally I couldn't have stood it. It's too much work - we don't really need it. But the fact is that I do need it. So I decided to look at it as something new. Let people bring food to my house. It won't hurt. They've been bringing dinners now for the past two months that meet our crazy egg-allergy rules. I never would have asked for the help before and I can't tell you how grateful I am to have it.

I cannot drive myself to my chemotherapy treatments. When they started, I couldn't bear the idea of someone that wasn't close to me (i.e. my sweetie) going with me. I didn't think I could be sick in front of anyone. But as it has turned out, people are driving me and it is just fine. I have had someone different take me almost every time, and I have had wonderful days with these fantastic men and women. I am in awe the way they have gone out of their way for me, whether getting heating packs for my arm or running a mile to get me a sandwich I craved. Not a bad lesson in something new.

And then, last weekend, I got the most delightful gift. We had a family wedding and suddenly, as I was on my way to the rehearsal dinner, I felt great. Not simply fine or ok, but really and truly great. And I continued to feel great all through the weekend. Definitely something new!

I'm trying not to think to much about what's ahead, or how all of this is going to impact my family in the long run, but I think we've all got to be better off if I can keep letting go of all the old baggage and keep embracing something new.

P.S. Sorry for the trite little flower picture – I promise to find something with a little more bite when I'm feeling better.


  1. No worries- the flowers are lovely. Your words are lovelier. I'm so glad to know that you have people who want so much to share their love, and that you're willing to take that trusting step into the unknown and let them! It's a win-win. Sending love to you!

  2. Can't believe the cat bailed on you. But I'm so happy everyone else is there for you. I'm sure it was hard to accept or even ask for help. I'm glad you're getting it.

  3. I found you through Theresa's blog and am so glad she recommended your blog! It's wonderful that you can allow people to help you and your family right now; I'm sure they're so grateful to be able to help.

  4. You write wonderfully. Hurry up and kick this cancer thing so you can get back to work on your writing. I can't wait to read whatever you're cooking up!
